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Constitution and Special Match Rules
(Adopted - August, 1977)
1. The name of the Association shall be "The Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association Incorporated".
2. The objects of "The Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association Incorporated" hereinafter referred to as the "Association" shall be:-
(a) The encouragement and improvement of the game of Cricket.
(b) The management and control of matches both between affiliated Clubs and against teams representing other registered Associations.
(c) The promotion of good fellowship between affiliated Clubs.
(d) The settlement of all matters and disputes that may arise in matches or between affiliated Clubs.
3. In pursuance of its Objects and without in any way limiting the same, the Association shall have the following powers:-
(a) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and hold any real or personal property including any rights or privileges in relation thereto.
(b) To erect buildings and to renovate, repair, reconstruct, alter, improve, add to and demolish any buildings or structures now or hereafter vested in the Association.
(c) To sell, exchange, lease, let, mortgage, pledge, hire, lend, dispose of, turn to account, give or otherwise deal with all or any part of the real and personal property of the Association.
(d) To conduct appeals for funds and to accept donations whether of real or personal estate and devises and bequests.
(e) To raise or borrow money and secure the repayment thereof in such manner as the Association or the Committee of Management thinks fit with power to issue debentures, grant mortgages, charges or securities upon or charging all or any of the property real or personal both present and future of the Association and to redeem or pay off either wholly or in part any existing or future security.
(f) To enter into contracts on behalf of the Association.
(g) To invest In the name of the Association the whole or any such portion of such funds of the Association not immediately required for the purposes of the Association in any securities or in any such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Committee of Management.
(h) To appoint, employ and in its discretion pay Officers, Agents and Servants and the same to dismiss or suspend.
(i) To grant honoraria as deemed fitting, the amounts of which shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
(i) To make by-laws, rules or regulations, to rescind, suspend in particular cases or alter regulations and other provisions for the due management of the Association and for regulating and defining the duties, control and conduct of persons in the employ of the Association.
(k) To penalise, fine, suspend, ban or otherwise deal with any Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official as defined and provided for in the relative Sections of this Constitution or Special Match Rules as the Association, Executive Committee or the duly elected Tribunal deems fit.
(I) To set Club Subscriptions, Nomination Fees and Handbook Levies as defined in Section 24 dealing with Subscriptions.
(m) To apply for, obtain and renew from time to time registration or licences under any Act requiring registration or licensing.
(n) To affiliate with or grant affiliation to or collaborate with an association or body, (not being an association or body formed for the purpose of securing pecuniary profit to its members from its transactions) the objects of which are in accord with those of this Association.
(o) To assist in the general management of the Association, the Committee of Management may appoint itself or authorise the Executive Committee to appoint such special sub-committees as either or both may deem necessary from time to time and may delegate all or any of their powers to any such sub-committees. The President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all such sub-committees.
(p) To Indemnify an Officer of the Association as defined in Section 8 of this Constitution who acts in good faith and within scope of his duties or what he believes to be so, against any claim, liability, loss or damage which he may suffer or undergo in consequence of any act, omission, error or oversight on his part.
(q) To perform and generally to do all such other things as may be deemed to be conducive or Incidental to the attainment of all or any of the Objects of the Association.
4. The colours of the Association shall be Brown and Turquoise Blue.
5. All bona fide members and registered players (as defined in Section 29) of the affiliated Clubs, Officers of the Association and Life Members of the Association shall be deemed to be Members of this Association.
6. (a) The Association shall have the power to elect Honorary Life Members. Such membership shall only be awarded to those members who have rendered special service to the Association in furthering its objects and only to those members who have been nominated previously for such Life Membership at a meeting of the Executive Committee.
(b) Life Members shall only be elected at the Annual General Meeting and such election must be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote in terms of Section 17(b).
(c) The Association shall award Playing Life Membership in recognition of any player or umpire whose total matches played or umpired reaches 250. Such award does not confer voting rights at meetings
7. The Association shall consist of such affiliated Clubs, hereinafter referred to as "Clubs", as the Annual General Meeting may deem fit to admit to membership. Such admission shall only be decided upon at the Annual General Meeting.
8. The Officers of the Association and the Auditors as listed hereunder shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, shall hold office until their successors are appointed (except where dismissed as defined in Section 3(h)) and they shall be eligible for re-election:-
(a) Patron(s)
(b) President
(c) Vice-President(s)
(d) Secretary
(e) Assistant Secretary
(f) Treasurer
(g) Auditor (s)
(h) Members of the Executive Committee
(i) Any other Officers such as Delegates, Selectors or Publicity Officers as is deemed necessary.
9. (a) The Executive Committee shall consist of up to 14 members and include any President, Vice-President(s), Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer elected. A vacancy in the Executive committee can be filled by a nomination from the Executive committee that is supported by a vote at a Committee of Management meeting. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees from its members.
(b) The Executive Committee shall meet at such times as is deemed necessary by either the President or the Secretary, and a majority of members on the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.
(c) SA Law places obligations on Sporting bodies to actively protect Children and Young People in their organisation. We organise Cricket matches for Seniors but allow Juniors as selected by their clubs to take part. As an expression of our commitment to the protection of Juniors all Executive will get an appropriate statement that they are not prohibited from working with children.

10. (a) The Association shall be under the control of a Committee of Management, and such Committee shall be composed of two delegates from each team from all Clubs together with the President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Life Members of the Association.
(b) The President shall not be a delegate of any Club.
(c) Meetings of the Committee of Management are defined in Sections 15 and 16.
11. (a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of August or any earlier month as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
(b) Such meeting shall be convened by the Secretary who shall give not less than ten (10) days' notice in writing to the Secretary of each Club and to all Officers and Life Members of the Association.
12. At the Annual General Meeting, the Secretary shall arrange an Agenda to cover, among other items:-
(a) The reading of the Annual Report presented by the Secretary.
(b) The presentation of a duly audited Financial Statement by the Treasurer.
(c) The annual election of Officers and Auditors (as defined in Section 8).
(d) The election of any Life Members (as provided for in Section 6).
(e) The consideration of Notices of Motion and amendments to the Constitution.
(f) The presentation of Premiership Certificates, Trophies etc. (as defined in Section 33) unless already presented at a special Presentation Meeting.
(g) To deal with any other items of General Business in accordance with the Constitution of the Association.
13. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the President or the Secretary, and only called for a special purpose and only on the receipt of a written request signed by not less than ten(10) delegates representing at least five (5) Clubs.
14. At such Special General Meeting, the following matters shall apply:-
(a) The written request as defined in Section 13 shall state the purpose for which the meeting is to be called.
(b) Such meeting shall be held within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt by the Association Secretary of the written request.
(c) The Secretary shall give not less than ten (10) days' notice in writing of such meeting to the Secretary of each Club and to all Officers and Life Members of the Association.
(d) Such meeting shall consider only the matter(s) set out in the Notice of Meeting, and no other matter(s) shall be considered.
15. (a) The Committee of Management as defined In Section 10 shall meet regularly during the cricket season on dates to be determined by the Executive Committee and at any other time or times deemed necessary either by the Executive Committee, the President or the Secretary.
(b) The President or the Secretary shall also call a meeting of the Committee of Management on the receipt of a written request signed by not less than ten (10) delegates representing at least five (5) Clubs.
16. The following provisions shall apply to a meeting of the Committee of Management:-
(a) The Secretary shall give not less than two (2) days' notice in writing of each such meeting to the Secretary of each Club.
(b) Each team from all Clubs is entitled to be represented by two delegates who are each entitled to vote on matters.
(c) A majority of Clubs shall be represented to form a quorum.
17. (a) At all Annual and Special General Meetings, all Members of the Association as defined in Section 5 of the Constitution shall be entitled to attend.
(b) Voting at such General Meetings however, shall be restricted to two delegates from each team from all Clubs and such delegates together with the Association Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Life Members present shall each have one vote.
(c) At General Meetings, twenty (20) persons entitled to vote as defined in the aforesaid Clause (b) shall form a quorum.
(d) The same voting rights as defined in the aforesaid Clause (b) shall apply to the meetings of the Committee of Management.
(e) At such General Meetings and Meetings of the Committee of Management, the President shall have a casting vote only.
(f) In the absence of the President or a Vice-President at such General Meetings or at the monthly meetings of the Committee of Management, a delegate shall be appointed to act as Chairman, and such delegate (or Vice-President delegating for a Club) shall in that event have both a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
(g) Voting at all Meetings shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot be demanded by not less than five (5) of the delegates present,
(h) Except where otherwise provided in the Constitution, resolutions shall be carried at all Meetings by a simple majority.
18. Every Club must be represented at each Annual or Special General Meeting and every Meeting of the Committee of Management, and any Club not represented at such meetings shall be fined and the amounts of such fines for non-attendance are listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution. Any Club not represented at three (3) meetings from July one year though to March at the end of the season shall have six (6) points subtracted from each of its teams’ premiership points.
19. The duties of the Secretary shall be:-
(a) To duly call all Meetings.
(b) To keep minutes of all Meetings.
(c) To be responsible for the receipt and dispatch of all correspondence of the Association.
(d) To conduct the business affairs of the Association.
(e) To furnish an Annual Report on the year's activities of the Association at each Annual General Meeting.
(f) To carry out any other duties as directed from time to time by the Committee of Management.
20. The Assistant Secretary shall act and assist the Secretary as required and directed by the Secretary.
21. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:-
(a) To be responsible for the receipt and control of all the revenue of the Association.
(b) To lodge all money received to the credit of the Association's Bank Account(s).
(c) To make payments necessary for the running of the Association at the direction of the Executive and report any payments made at each meeting of the Committee of Management.
(d) To keep correct accounts and books covering the financial affairs of the Association.
(e) To furnish as at 31 May each year an audited Financial Statement of the Association's affairs at each Annual General Meeting.
22. The Executive Committee will appoint at least 4 signatories to the Association’s accounts. Payments and transfers from and between any Association Bank Accounts may be made by cheque, in-person withdrawal or electronically. Cheques and in-person withdrawals will be signed by at least 2 of the signatories. Electronic Banking transfers or payments will only be made with approval of at least one other member of Executive. All signatories are to inspect the state of the account regularly and share it with other members of the Executive Committee.
23. (a) The Association shall provide a Common Seal and the Secretary shall be responsible for the safe custody of the Common Seal of the Association.
(b) There shall be six (6) Sealholders who shall consist of:-
President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) others,
and such other three (3) Sealholders are to be appointed by the Executive Committee from members of such Committee.
(c) The Common Seal shall not be used or affixed to any deed, instrument or document, except by virtue of a resolution passed by the Committee of Management or at a General Meeting, and then only affixed in the presence of any three (3) of the Sealholders who shall attest in the following manner every deed, instrument or document to which the Common Seal Is affixed:-
"The Common Seal of The Adelaide and )
Suburban Cricket Association Incorporated was ) ................……….......
by virtue of a resolution duly passed hereunto ) ..................................
affixed this ....... day of.................................. ) ..................................
in the presence of 3 Sealholders.” )
24. (a) Each Club shall subscribe annually towards the funds of the Association as listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution, according to the number of teams nominated, and the amount of such subscription shall only be varied at an Annual General Meeting.
(b) Newly affiliated Clubs shall pay a Nomination Fee (which Includes the Annual Club Subscription to cover the new Club's first team for the first season) as listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution, and such fee shall only be varied at an Annual General Meeting.
(c) In addition to such annual subscription for club affiliation and nomination fee for new Clubs, the Association may at its discretion at the Annual General Meeting set an additional levy for each team to defray the cost of the Official Handbooks issued.
(d) Clubs must carry suitable insurance cover. This may be arranged and paid through the Association.
(e) Such annual subscription, nomination fee, insurance premium and additional levy shall be paid to the Treasurer on or before the thirty-first day of October in each season. Any Club not having paid the annual subscription, nomination fee or additional levy by the date specified above shall be fined and the amount of such fine for non-payment is listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution.
(f) Any Club not having paid the annual subscription, nomination fee, insurance premium or additional levy by the thirtieth day of November shall also have its team(s) lose all points gained to that date and scored thereafter until such annual subscription, nomination fee or additional levy and fine imposed as in (d) above be paid.
(g) Where clubs notify the Association that they are having difficulty finding all funds so early in the season they can pay half the amount owing by 31st October and the remainder by 31st December. Any club not financial by 31 December will lose all premiership points from all teams and not score any until they are.
25. The commencing date of each season and the arrangement of all matches in the programme shall be decided by the Executive Committee.
26. (a) Matches will be played as two-day or one-day games in a format broadly agreed by the Committee of management voting at the AGM. Clubs will be asked in August, September to nominate the number of sides they wish to enter for the coming season. Any club that withdraws a side after the program has been published will be fined and the amount of such fine is in Schedule “A” of this constitution.
(b) The Executive Committee may declare a day's play cancelled or abandoned due to inclement weather or other emergency. In this event, such remaining day of a two-day fixture shall be deemed to be a one-day match and shall be played as such.
(c) Clubs may choose to nominate teams for competitions where the Executive experiments with different arrangements or organises extra competitions. Rules will be drawn up by The Executive Committee.
(d) Where a club during a season suffers a lack of players and wishes to withdraw a side it will be their lowest side.
27. (a) The Umpires are responsible for the conduct of and are to be in complete control of all matches as defined in the Laws of Cricket.
(b) The appointment of Umpires for the Association shall rest entirely with the Executive Committee, but where no Official Umpire(s) is/are appointed to a match, it will be the responsibility of the opposing Captains to select suitable Umpires from their own experienced players.
28. Teams are encouraged to play a second innings where possible, but a match may be decided on the first innings.
29. (a) A bona fide or registered player of a Club as provided for in Section 5 -Membership, is a player who has taken part in a match and had his name and details of his part in the match entered in the appropriate match report and one whose following details have been submitted in the appropriate way.
• Full Name
• Address
• Date of Birth
(b) Any Club that has not registered a player by midday the day following the end of a match played shall be fined, and the amount of such fine for non-registration is listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution.
(c) Every Club shall keep a register of all its playing members listing their full names, addresses (and dates of birth of players under twenty-one years of age) and such register of players shall be available for production at all times as requested by the Association.
30. (a) Before playing, any player who has played for another club in our Association, or for any senior grade of another Association, must have a permit from the Executive Committee.
(b) If a Club disbands during a season, no player or players of such Club shall play with any other Club in this Association without first obtaining a permit from the Executive Committee.
(c) Clubs can ask for a Permit by email to the Secretary or by asking by email for a Clearance from the player’s former club with a copy to the Secretary, or by using the online database as advised by the Executive to ask for a Clearance, Transfer or Permit. Approval must come from the club in the regular Saturday competition last played for unless the Executive decide an earlier club needs to be asked. The Permit will be granted by email or when the Clearance, Transfer or Permit on the online database is granted by the Secretary.
(d) No player of any Club in this Association will be granted a clearance if he is in arrears with his Club's subscription or for any other indebtedness, and the clearance will not be considered until such arrears are paid.
(e) No permits will be granted by the Executive Committee on or after the first day of February in each season.
(f) Any Club playing a person requiring, but not having first obtained a permit or clearance as defined in the foregoing Clauses shall be deemed to have lost the match or matches in which such player has played and that Club shall forfeit all points. The Club's opponents in each instance shall be deemed to have won such match or matches and in each match shall be awarded points as allotted for a first innings win, (or retain its winning points, whichever are the higher).
(g) Any player deliberately furnishing incorrect particulars to his Club Secretary or taking part in a match knowing of his need to obtain a permit to play in such match shall be liable to suspension by the Association.
(h) Players with your club may play up to 3 days in a season interstate or in the country beyond 100 km from Adelaide or when our clubs are not playing or in another Adelaide Association and not need a permit to return.
(i) A player with history at your club and apart from District Cricket last played at your club, who is dropped after games with a Premier 4th Grade team can return without a permit.
31. (a) The Executive Committee, upon receipt of any report or protest from any officiating Umpire, whether appointed by the Executive Committee or not, or a report or protest from any Officer of this Association, or Secretary or Captain of any Club, shall enquire into and consider any infringement of the Rules of this Association or the Laws of Cricket by or the conduct of any Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official in connection with any match or result of any match.
(b) The Executive Committee may deal with such Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official and settle such dispute or protest by the setting of any penalty, fine, suspension or ban in a manner which the Committee may deem fit. The decision of the Executive Committee in all infringements, disputes and protests shall be final.
(c) The Executive Committee may refer any such aforesaid infringement by or conduct of any Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official or any dispute or protest in connection with any match to a Tribunal.
(d) Such Tribunal shall consist of any three members of the Executive Committee and shall be appointed from time to time by the President of the Association, or in his absence, by a Vice-President.
(e) The Tribunal shall have the same powers as conferred on the Executive Committee and set out in the aforesaid Clause (b), and the decision of the Tribunal in all infringements, disputes and protests shall be final.
(f) Umpires are asked to submit a report on each match detailing the conduct of players, penalties they have imposed, other incidents and the state of the ground. Each can be labelled “for urgent attention” or “for information” to guide the Executive Committee in how to proceed. Where incidents are labelled “for urgent attention” Players and Captains should where possible be notified before leaving the ground and a Tribunal will be formed as soon as practicable to enquire into the incident and make a decision.
(g) Captains are asked to submit reports on matches detailing instances of poor conduct, problems in the conduct of a match or disputes on the result of a match. Each can be labelled “for urgent attention” or “for information” to guide the Executive in how to proceed. Where incidents are labelled “for urgent attention” players, captains and umpires should where possible be notified before leaving the ground and a Tribunal will be formed as soon as practicable to enquire into the incident and make a decision.
(h) Reports labelled “for urgent attention” must reach the Secretary as soon as possible after the incident.
(i) Where a club has reported an opposition player or club by email or text by 7 pm the day following the end of the match the report will be forwarded to the reported club by 7 pm the next day. If that club has not responded in 48 hours then the Executive or a tribunal will proceed to set penalties in their absence.
32. (a) All fines imposed on a Club for any infringements of the Constitution of this Association as set out in the foregoing Sections or under the Special Match Rules shall be paid within one month from date of imposition. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a Club or Player being deprived of the privileges of Membership.
(b) The Association Secretary shall forthwith notify the Secretary of any Club concerned of such fines imposed.
(c) The amounts of all fines are listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution, and may only be varied at the Annual General Meeting.
(d) The only right of appeal to vary or waive any fines or penalties, where extenuating circumstances can be shown to exist or to have existed, shall be through the Executive Committee.
33. (a) The Association shall award Trophies and Premiership Certificates annually at the Presentation Meeting held after the conclusion of each season or at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) The selection of Trophy winners shall rest with the Executive Committee, using information compiled by the Secretary and others gained from the Website, Club Secretaries and Umpires. The Executive Committee will use its discretion in awarding Trophies and disqualify any player found guilty of poor conduct during the season.
(c) The Secretary will select the trophies to be awarded. The awarding of any additional or special Trophies will be approved by the Committee of Management.
(d) (i) The player with the highest total runs in each Section at the end of the minor round matches shall be eligible for a batting Trophy named after a Life Member of the Association as chosen by the Executive.
(ii) The bowler with the highest total of wickets taken in each Section at the end of the minor round matches shall be eligible for a bowling Trophy named after a Life Member of the Association as chosen by the Executive.
(iii) The player in each section who gains the highest number of fielding votes during the minor round matches, as noted on the Official Database, on the basis of two points for a first vote and one point for a second vote shall be eligible to receive the "Bert Crowhurst Memorial Fielding Trophy," for that section
(iv)The wicket-keeper in each section who gains the highest number of votes during the minor round matches, as noted on the Official Database, using the rating from 0 to 5, shall be eligible to receive the "Jim Coulls Memorial Wicket-keeping Trophy," for that section.
(v) The Hewett Medal shall be awarded to a player in Section 1 and The Zadow Medal shall be awarded to a player in Section 2. Awards are for the best and fairest player in these grades as voted by the umpires in the minor rounds. Any player found guilty of an offence during the season shall be ineligible.
(vi) The players in the team that is declared Premier in each section shall receive an award commemorating their achievement.
34 (a) No repeal of or alteration to or amendment of this Constitution or the Special Match Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting to be called for that specific purpose.
(b) Such repeal, alteration or amendment can only be discussed at a General Meeting provided the proposed repeal, alteration or amendment has been given by a Notice of Motion.
(c) Such Notice of Motion shall be forwarded in writing and must be received by the Secretary of the Association not less than twenty-one (21) days before the General Meeting.
(d) The Association Secretary shall give not less than ten (10) days' notice in writing of the Notice of Motion to the Secretary of each Club, and to all Officers and Life Members of the Association.
(e) Notices of Motion to repeal, alter or amend the Constitution or Special Match Rules will only be received from Clubs or from the Executive Committee.
(f) No such resolution to repeal, alter or amend shall be deemed to have been passed unless it be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote in terms of Section 17(b).
35. (a) In the event of the Association becoming inactive and no longer able to pursue the Objects as defined in Section 2 of this Constitution, the Association may be wound up or dissolved, after due Notice of Motion, by a resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that specific purpose.
(b) No such resolution to dissolve the Association shall be deemed to have been passed unless it be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote in terms of Section 17(b).
(c) After the discharge of all Association liabilities, the General Meeting shall authorise the disbursement of all Association assets both real and personal in accordance with the said Objects.
36. All former Constitutions and Special Match Rules are repealed, but this repeal shall not prejudice or change anything done or commenced or relieve any Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official from any penalty, fine, suspension or ban already imposed on the said Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official under the Constitution and Special Match Rules of The Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association.
37. (a) The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of Sections and Clauses in this Constitution and Special Match Rules and its decisions shall be final.
(b) Any matter not covered by this Constitution and the Special Match Rules shall be left in the hands of the Executive Committee.
(c) Although decisions of Tribunals and the Executive are final, the Executive will reconsider matters where a club, player or official can offer new evidence or an aspect of the matter not previously considered.

0. South Australian legislation places obligations on Cricket Clubs with Under eighteens. We cannot be the next organisation that attracts or allows adults to abuse or lure children into danger. Some of our clubs have junior teams and already know of their responsibilities. Some clubs have Under 18s playing regularly or on occasion in senior teams and some have none. Those with Under 18s must act proactively to prevent abuse, bullying and harassment and have processes to deal with complaints. Club Officials with Under 18s are Mandated Reporters of child abuse or neglect that they are told about or reasonably suspect. Report to 13 14 78. The legislation allows clubs and Associations to adopt their peak body’s Child Protection Policy instead of developing their own and at the September 2022 meeting of the Association Committee of Management the Cricket Australia and Saca Child protection policies were accepted as our policy.
See Policies at Clubs with Under 18s are to make their own commitment to child protection and have trained people in the club or teams as appropriate to look out for the welfare of children and young people.
1. All Clubs must be represented at each meeting of the Committee of Management. Any Club not represented at 3 meetings from the July meeting through to the March meeting will have 6 premiership points taken from each team in addition to fines for each missed meeting.
2. Any player who has played for any other Club or in any grade of another Association including interstate and overseas must obtain a Permit to play from the Association Secretary before taking part in a match. You must ask players where they have played. Junior and Veteran competitions and Saca community and other Sunday T20 competitions don’t count. If there is any doubt send details to the Association Secretary. You will lose the match if a player requiring a permit plays. Players may play up to 3 days elsewhere and not need a permit to return OR a player from your club trying Premier Cricket who is dropped from 4th Grade can return without a permit.
3. All players should register online at or PlayHQ ( for your club to play games in the Saturdays and then the T20 competition. When first registering $22.50 needs to be paid to Cricket Australia. Your club can set up amounts to be paid by you for each registration. PlayHQ may insist on a transfer or permit from another club but it won’t know who a new player should get a clearance from and you may need to use email for the clearance. PlayHQ will allow you to name unregistrered fill-ins. If they have played regular Saturday Cricket they need a clearance and permit from the Secretary. You need to do what PlayHQ needs to name players in teams. You need to have clearances and permits from the Secretary to be sure players are eligible.
4. No permits from the Executive can be granted after the end of January each season so players cannot be cleared or transferred after that date. IF YOU PLAY A PLAYER REQUIRING A PERMIT YOU WILL LOSE THE MATCH.
5. Players who have only played in junior competitions do not need permits and will not require clearances. If we are told such a player owes money they will be given time to make payment but may then be prevented from playing.
6. Players may have dual registration with a club in another Association. This allows players to try games in a different association without their club losing them or needing a clearance for them to return. It also allows juniors to play seniors for a different club. Even with dual registration players need a Permit from the Secretary to return. Permits will not be given for players to return during byes or washed-out games. The Executive may give Permits for the season to return from play in another competition including where players have temporary duties in the country. All arrangements must be made before Jan 31. PlayHQ will allow a permit for dual registration. That is not the same as a permit from the Secretary but necessary so the player can be named in the side.
7. A team must be entered on PlayHQ the night before the first day of the match. This includes T20s. It doesn’t have to be exactly the team you end up playing but allows scores to be entered better and online scoring. Rarely you may have a bye or forfeit that is not for your bottom team. You cannot drop any of the players from the last round to a lower team without a permit from Executive.
8. After the first Saturday of a two-day match, the state of the match and scores need to be entered at PlayHQ by noon to allow printing in The Advertiser Tuesday.
9. The day after the completion of a match, the result and the scores need to be entered at PlayHQ by noon. Clubs will not be able to dispute a wrongly entered detail but will have to email or text the President. Where there are difficulties due to players that can’t be selected or differences of opinion everything should be finalised by Wednesday following the end of the match.
10. The result of the match is used to construct the Premiership Table including the Performance Quotient. Make sure it is correct including all innings played and extras. If there is any inaccuracy even minor, notify the correct details. Mostly the details will be changed just on your say so. The other club will be notified and can challenge if it’s not an error but a disagreement.
11. The Association has a new website: Captains or Secretaries need to sign on so they can login to enter Captain Reports and Fielding and Keeping votes at the site.
12. Forfeits –Clubs must advise the Association Secretary, the opposing team and any Umpires for the match. The forfeiting team is liable for any Umpire fees. The team receiving the forfeit must nominate a team on the website and claim the forfeit in the appropriate time. Clubs should do all they can to avoid forfeits but it is poor form to wait until match time if it was clear much earlier that a team could not be mustered. Clubs must forfeit their lowest side first. Except for exceptional circumstances, clubs forfeiting a higher team will be deemed to have forfeited any match played by a lower team.
13. If inclement weather threatens play, it is best if all players attend the ground where the Umpire will make decisions on the possibility of play. In the absence of appointed umpires, the captains together must decide when play is possible. That said we don’t want whole teams traversing Adelaide when there is no chance of play especially where the forecast is grim and photos can be exchanged. Captains can contact each other and any appointed umpire and decide to cancel a day’s play. This may not be easy as the state of the game or premiership table can see one team far more eager for play than the other. Play must be abandoned for the day if the official forecast maximum temperature for Adelaide at 5 p.m. the night before is 40 degrees or higher. This forecast is available on the internet at or the BOM weather app and will feature in radio news bulletins. Players and umpires will not be expected to attend the ground where the forecast of hot weather prevents play.
14. The Association receives generous sponsorship from Kookaburra and so quality 156g Kookaburra leather cricket balls (preferably ASCA branded Tuf Pitch) must be used in all matches.
15. Where a team bats short of players on any given day, only the wickets actually captured count towards the performance quotient.
16. Umpire Fees where appointed:- For two-day matches fees are $130 per day in Sect 1 and $110 per day in Sect 2 and lower. The fee is $150 per day for one-day matches. $40 per day for days washed out or abandoned at the oval with no play. Nothing for days abandoned by Rule 9 Excessively Hot Weather. $70 for T20 matches. Each club participating in the match is responsible for half except for Semi-Finals and Grand-Finals where umpires are paid from Association Funds.
17. Clubs must transfer umpire fees to the Association account promptly on receipt of an invoice from the treasurer. A fine and reminder will be quickly followed by loss of premiership points.

We play cricket for fun. For the challenge of competing against teams of similar ability. Playing to win is part of the fun but we do not play for sheep-stations. Without the opposition there is no game. So, appreciate them turning up and do what you can to make sure everyone has an enjoyable day – win, lose or draw. When there are contentious decisions or incidents, keep it in perspective and try to understand the other point of view. Report all poor behaviour and poor decisions in detail to the Secretary.
1. Get to the ground at least 30 minutes before play is due. Meet the other captain and umpire if appointed. Have a team-sheet written especially noting any replacement players and specifically who replaces whom. Take a photo for a record. Discuss anything unusual like sub fielders or ground conditions. Discuss any difficulties or unsafe ground conditions and cooperate in finding solutions. Make sure the boundary is at least 1 metre inside any fence, wall etc. Agree on Tea and Drink-breaks. Settle these matters before tossing for choice of innings at least 15 minutes before play. All games start at 12:30pm. If a team is not ready to play at 12:30, take photos for a report and they will be fined $20. If they cannot play with at least 7 players at 1 pm they forfeit the match.
2. Have spare bails, stumps, chalk, tape, balls, cones and helmets etc in your kit. Fielding sides are entitled to use a second new ball after the bowling of 80 overs in an innings. A lost or damaged ball needs to be replaced by a ball in similar condition.
3. Each side needs a first aid kit and access to ice. Players must support anyone injured. An ambulance should be called as necessary as it is covered by Cricket Australia/Marsh insurance. Whenever a player is injured, the umpire is to hold up the game. The player’s captain and team-mates are to check the player and decide if he can continue or leave the field. They must place the player’s welfare above the state of the match.
4(a) All 1-day games start at 12:30 pm and should end by 6:00 or 6:30 if rain affected. 40 overs each side. In essence they are a 2-day game squashed into 1 day, played under MCC Laws and our Special Match Rules. There are no extra field restrictions and a wide ball is the same as for a 2-day game: a ball that is not sufficiently within reach for the batter to be able to hit it with the bat by means of a normal cricket stroke. A first innings result is an end to the match. Play may continue for a few balls in case of a scorebook error but if either side insists then scores revert to the winning score.
4(b) Section 1 two-day games start at 12:30 pm for 75 overs and should end by 5:30. Section 2 and lower two-day games start at 12:30 pm for 60 overs and should end by 4:30. 2-day games can be called off when 15 overs remain to be bowled on day2 if both captains agree. Captains have not been sanctioned for calling off a game earlier after a first innings win however either captain can prolong the game for any reason: (Outright possible, significant score attainable, match practice, too good a day not to go on playing cricket.) Captains should discuss their intentions with each other but can change their goal at any time as situations change.
5. Although a decision may have been achieved on the first innings, Captains should always further the Objects of this Association by striving for the outright result in two-day matches. A team which leads by 100 runs or more at the conclusion of the opposition’s first innings may ask them to follow on.
6. Participants are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to smoke, vape or drink alcohol whilst on the ground during play.
7. Captains should insist that every reasonable effort is made to get matches started or resumed in difficult conditions. Matting can be rolled or covered during showers and attempts made to soak up or disperse water. No damage can be done to the pitch or oval and heed should be paid to the owner’s conditions of use.
8. Should there be loss of play due to inclement weather it can become very complicated though the thrust of the idea is simply to divide the available time evenly between the two sides. Consult Special Match Rule 6 Hours of Play 2-Day Matches, SMR 7 Declarations 2-Day Matches and SMR 8 One-day Games. For 2-Day matches an interruption during the innings of the team batting second will only cause a draw if the team batting second does not face as many overs as the team that batted first. It doesn’t matter that they would have had more overs with no loss of playing time.
9. The tea breaks in matches divide each day’s play into two sessions. Fielding teams may take short drink-breaks in the middle of each session however captains and umpires should be vigilant that play resumes promptly to avoid prolonging the day.
10. During excessively hot weather extra drink-breaks should be taken as frequently as every 45 minutes. Without unnecessarily delaying play, players should ensure they rehydrate and relieve heat stress for the sake of their health and performance.
11. Captains are responsible to see that all players are correctly attired as instructed in Special Match Rule 11. Coloured clothing is not acceptable however shirts with side panels and collars in club colours with small Club and Sponsor identification on the chest, sleeves or across the shoulders can be approved by the Executive. Shirts may have a player number on the back. Players not correctly attired may not bat or bowl and the club will be fined. Participation will not be limited for it but shoes should be mainly white.
12. All players are encouraged to wear an appropriate cricket helmet while batting against fast or medium paced bowling, while keeping up to the stumps and while fielding within 7m of the batsman excepting in slips or gully. Umpires, appointed or not, should question whether such a player wishes to continue without a helmet.
13. All Under 18 players must wear a helmet when batting or keeping up to the stumps and must not field within 7m of the batsman except in slips or gully. If an umpire, appointed or not, or Captain suspects this is not being followed they are to question the player’s captain and remind him of SMR 1(g). If after the game a Captain or Umpire suspects SMR 1(g) has been breached, they should report the player’s name and details to the Secretary.
14. There is a $20 fine if the batting side does not deliver a legible, complete scorebook of the innings. Illegible, inaccurate scorebooks have lost games of cricket. Make sure you have a good supply of stationery and scorers who know their responsibility and study the best way to record the batting, bowling, sundries, tallies and wickets. See Scoring Suggestions in Umpire Handbook or website.
15. At the end of the first day of a two-day match check the scorebooks for agreement. If you can’t agree on discrepancies, then you must agree on a score or course of action before play resumes.
16. At the end of a match both captains and any umpire should sign both scorebooks as evidence of correctness. Any disputed result that can’t be agreed should be sent to the Secretary along with a photo of both scorebooks before they are altered.
17. At the end of the match award 2 votes to the best and 1 vote to the second-best fielders from the opposition side and inform the captain. If more than one Keeper was used allow the Captain to choose who gets votes. Award their Keeper 1 – 5 votes.
5 votes – Faultless performance with exceptional moments
4 votes – Basic faultless performance or some errors balanced by exceptional moments
3 votes – Good basic performance with few errors
2 votes – Poor performance generally but not without some redeeming moments
1 vote – Many missed opportunities
Record fielding and keeping votes for both teams in your scorebook.
18. Captains and Secretaries must sign up to so they can login and enter the Captain Report form the day following a match. Included will be a ground assessment, optional comments on club umpires and the conduct of the match, Spirit of Cricket points for the opposition and an assessment of appointed umpires.
19. Captains and other players or spectators are encouraged to report to the Association Secretary both pleasing and unsatisfactory incidents or circumstances. If they are marked “For Information,” the Executive will determine when further action is warranted. These reports should reach the Secretary by the Wednesday following completion of the match.
20. Reports marked “For Urgent Attention” should reach the Secretary Saturday night or Sunday with details of who said or did what, to whom in what circumstances and what happened next. They will include instances of poor conduct or matches where the result is still in dispute. After contact with both sides the Executive may offer a penalty which can be accepted. Players reported for violence or an abusive or threatening attack can expect a tribunal on the Tuesday following the report. A tribunal will investigate all aspects of the incident and deal with anyone they find has provoked or joined in with poor behaviour as well as the person reported. Unless circumstances prevent it Umpires and the opposition should be informed before they leave the ground.
21. Umpires will be paid by the Association. You must email the Umpire director by Saturday night at or text 0417 877 396 if an appointed umpire does not attend.
22. You will not always agree with umpires’ decisions and of course they will not be perfect but they are an essential part of a genuine competition. Treat them with respect especially when you think they’ve let you down but report it in detail so they can learn. Just as they are not always right so you will not always be right.
23. The preamble to the Laws of Cricket places responsibility on the captain for ensuring the observance of the laws and the spirit of the game. At all times Captains must work towards solving disputes, moderating poor conduct and assisting umpires in controlling matches.
24. MCC Law 42 Players’ Conduct details 4 levels of misconduct and action to be taken by umpires. In matches without independent umpires the same standards of behaviour apply and captains will need to cooperate in the management of the game. Fielders may ask for the basis of a decision but telling the umpire he is wrong or abusive dissent deserves a 5-run penalty. Club Umpires cannot be ordered from the ground but captains can agree that tensions may be contained if an umpire is replaced after several contentious decisions.
25. New MCC Laws in 2022 caused SMR 1(b) to be rewritten to cover wide balls. It’s meant to cover these. A ball so wide it cannot be reached from the pitch is a no ball and can score byes. If the batsman leaves the pitch to play it, it is dead (to protect fielders.) If a ball pitches in the grass alongside the pitch it is a no ball. It can be played from the pitch for runs or score byes. Without leaving the pitch a player can play a full toss that may be wide of the pitch and it will not be a no ball and not dead. A ball that hits the edge of the pitch without being played before passing the striker’s wicket is a no ball and dead. In 2day and 1day games a wide is any otherwise fair delivery that passes beyond the reach of the batter for a normal cricket shot in a normal batting position, where he is or where he has been at any time since the bowler began his run-up.
26. All full tosses over waist height (the line at which the top of the batsman’s trousers would conventionally be) of the batsman standing upright at the popping crease are no balls. Any that are fast whether from fast or slow bowlers and directed toward the batsman will attract one final warning. Any recurrence in that innings will cause the bowler to be removed from bowling for the rest of the innings. Fast deliveries that clearly slip out of the hand and pass the batsman harmlessly or slow balls that accidentally become full tosses will not attract warnings or other action.
27. A player who leaves the field or is absent at the start of a fielding session accrues penalty time and cannot bowl or bat until penalty time has been served. Penalty time is limited to 30 minutes. Penalty time is served by being on the field or waiting to bat. Penalty time does not accrue if the fielder is absent because of a Law 42 Level 3 offence, an external blow during the match or any other wholly acceptable reason (like changing torn clothing or stopping a blood nose.)
28. In MCC Laws, bouncers over head-height standing upright at the popping crease are No balls even if no danger. Injured batsmen can use a runner. A No Ball will be called if a bowler dislodges a bail from the bowler’s end stumps during delivery.
29. 2022 changes to MCC Laws. *Putting Saliva on the ball is unfairly changing its condition. An immediate 5-run penalty and the offer of a replacement ball to the batting side. Any repetition as above and the bowler of the last ball is suspended from bowling for the game. *When a batter is caught the non-striker returns to his end. *Fielders may walk in and make minor adjustments to position but a 5-run penalty for significant movement during bowler’s run-up. Includes a keeper coming from back up to the stumps.
30. A bowler that throws the ball ie the hand comes past the ear as the ball is delivered and ends up pointed at the batsman is to be no balled. A bowler that is considered to have a suspect action ie some strange sort of wobble or discontinuity behind or above the head is not to be no balled in a game but reported to the association. Upon receipt of a report of a suspect action the club will be asked for video of the bowler either at practice or in a game. The Executive may arrange for a video of the bowler in a game or at practice. Upon receipt of video the Executive will assess and may decide the bowler cannot bowl in matches until they have video of him bowling without throwing. They may decide that the video shows bowling that is acceptable and will report that to the clubs.


The by-laws for final round matches are contained within the Special Match Rules in the Association Handbook. Please read them before the game.

Take heed of these notes.

1. Finals are played over Saturday and Sunday in all sections beginning at 12:30 pm each day. Should play in your match be entirely prevented on the Saturday a one-day match is played on the Sunday starting at 12:30.

2. Games are played under the same rules and conditions as the minor round 2day games. Section 1 plays 75 overs and Section 2 down play 60 overs each day. Section 4 and lower have bowling restrictions 15 overs per innings. Replacement players can be used. They need to be given in writing to the umpire and opposition Captain before the toss.

3. A few teams may play on neutral grounds. On such grounds, the team named first for each fixture is regarded as the home team and they may have some responsibility for setting up the oval. Clubs supplying ovals are expected to supply materials but circumstances may prevent this. If you are the first named team make sure you have contact with the supplying club to arrange laying the matting, setting the stumps and boundary and using dressing rooms. In addition it is wise for all teams to carry spare stumps, bails and boundary markers in case of emergency.

4. At the delegates meeting before March, volunteers will form a Finals Committee which will act under the authority of the Executive Committee to allot games to venues and appoint umpires.

5. Experienced players not taking part in finals are needed to umpire games. Contact the Umpire Director with available players. Umpires will be paid $110 per day by the Association by direct deposit. Enter a report on the umpires in the Captain Report at the website by early Monday afternoon.

6. Should weather delay or interrupt play, consult Special Match Rules 6 and 7. Some situations can become very complex. It is the umpires' duty to make decisions on the fitness of the ground for play and to decide on the way the game will proceed.
A game is drawn where the first innings will be compulsorily closed with less than 20 overs.

7. An outright result overrides a 1st innings lead, however a final match can be concluded at any time if both captains agree that no further result is possible. At the end of the first day’s play, if a result appears imminent both captains can agree to extend play for 7 overs.

8. Read the rules for player qualification for finals in Special Match Rule 5 Sides. Any team which plays an unqualified player without a permit for finals will forfeit the match. Any players with dual registration who have played games in another association this season need a finals permit. Teams must be named on PlayHQ the night before.

9. We would appreciate both sides visiting PlayHQ Saturday night to enter progress scores so their supporters and others can see the state of the match. The result of the match must be entered by Monday noon with player scores. Email Secretary with any dispute as soon as you can.

10. Make sure you treat the oval the way it should be treated. We will want to use it again next year. We will fine clubs up to $200 if they or their supporters leave litter or disregard rules for use.

Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association

Twenty20 Competition. 2023/2024
Matches are played under MCC laws of cricket and ASCA Constitution and Special Match Rules modified by these.
1. FIXTURE: Teams entered will be allocated hierarchically to Divisions as the Executive determine. Divisions may play a minor round where teams are scheduled to play each other once before a Grand Final between the top 2. Large Divisions will have 2 Pools playing a minor round with the top 2 teams from each Pool playing cross over Semi-Finals before the winners meet in a Grand Final. Byes may be used. The dates and grounds for the matches will be determined by the Executive in consultation with the Clubs participating. Clubs will be fined as listed in Schedule “A” for any forfeit. Where a club finds they will not be able to play a particular fixture they can seek to reschedule as long as they contact the other club, Association Secretary and umpire at least 2 days before the scheduled match.
2. MINOR ROUND: A win earns 2 points. An undecided match 1 point each. A loss 0 points. In determining finals contenders first points, then Head to Head, then Net Run Rate, then Performance Quotient and then coin toss will be used.
3. MATCH TIME: Clubs will be notified of their match time by email prior to a match, on PlayHQ and the new website Twilight games with Lights may negotiate times. Any team not ready to play 5 minutes after the time set for commencement of play will forfeit the match.
4. INTER-ASSOCIATION GAMES: No ASCA T20 games may be played at the same time as an Inter-Association Game.
5. SIDES: All players must be already eligible for selection in Saturday games and preferably already have played for the club this season. Email Secretary if in doubt. No players who are dual-registered are able to play in these matches unless they had a permit to play the prior Saturday. Juniors playing at your club can play as long as they haven’t played seniors at another club during the season. A player with 2 games in a higher Division for the season can’t play in a lower Division. Division 3 teams can only use 2 players in any game that have played more than half their Saturday games that season in their Club’s A grade unless their A grade is in Section 4 or lower. Finals players for Division 3 must have played a game in Division 3 before finals OR have played at least half their Saturday games for the season in Section 4 or lower.
6. MATCH: A one innings match of 20 overs.
7. TIMES. The first innings will be allowed 75 minutes. A 15-minute (10-minute if a twilight match) break will follow the completion of the first innings. The other innings will then commence with 75 minutes allocated. If a team fails to bowl its overs within the allotted time, a six run penalty will apply for each over or part over not bowled. In addition to that penalty, the unbowled overs shall be bowled. Umpires may make allowance for unexpected delays, e.g. lost ball, player injury, etc as they happen. Should a batsman unduly waste time the umpire can also penalise the batting side six runs. A batsman can retire any time the ball is dead but a delay by batsmen to discuss retiring is wasting time. After the fall of a wicket the incoming batsman has 90 seconds to be ready to face the next delivery, before being liable to be timed-out.
8. WEATHER DELAYS: Duckworth-Lewis-Stern will be used when possible to get a result if game is interrupted or stopped prematurely. For a delay or interruption of the 1st innings, lose 1 over from each innings for each 7.5 minutes lost. Add 2 minutes to finishing time to allow ½ overs to be completed. Match to be abandoned if less than 5 overs for each innings. For a delay or interruption of 2nd innings lose 1 over for each 3.75 minutes lost. Scorers and Captains will be responsible for using the PlayHQ Live Score app either while live scoring or independently to use Duckworth-Lewis-Stern as necessary to set target scores or determine the winner. These can be checked after the game.
9. DRINKS: There will be no formal drinks break. Drinks may be promptly delivered to thirsty players, providing that there is no delay to play.
10. BALL: Kookaburra Pink Jaffa balls are to be used. Each club will supply their own ball for Minor Round games. The Association will supply balls for SF and GF.
11. BOUNDARY: The boundary may be brought in from that normally used. A distance of 50 –55 metres is recommended. Boundary must be at least 1 metre inside any obstacle.
12. FIELD RESTRICTIONS: No more than 5 fielders can be placed on the leg-side throughout the game. Overs 1 to 6: As the ball is delivered only two fielders are allowed outside an inner circle that is formed by two semi-circles 28 metres from the centre of each wicket joined by straight lines. This circle can be marked as a white line or dobs of white powder dropped at 5 m intervals. Overs 7 to 20 and any Super Over: Only five fielders are allowed outside the circle. No stationary catchers are required at any stage of the game. When delays or interruptions cause an innings to be shortened the first 6 overs will be shortened pro rata rounded up. That is 6 X New overs /20. It becomes 5 overs at 16 overs for innings, 4 overs at 13, 3 overs at 10, 2 overs at 6 overs for the innings.
13. NO BALLS: In addition to a penalty of one run, all no balls incur a further penalty of a free hit at the next ball. For this free hit delivery, the batsman can only be dismissed by the ways allowed for a no ball (run out, obstructing the field or hit the ball twice.) Should a no ball or wide be bowled as the free hit delivery, there will be another free hit delivery until a legitimate delivery is bowled. The field cannot be altered for the bowling of a free hit delivery, except for alterations to accommodate a left/right-handed batting pair. Balls bouncing over the batsman’s head standing upright at the popping crease shall be called a no ball. A bowler is allowed one ball per over that bounces above the batsman’s shoulders standing upright at the popping crease. Any repetition shall be called a no ball. A bouncer above the head will count as the allowable ball above the shoulder even though it is a no-ball. Any ball reaching the batsman on the full above waist height standing upright at the popping crease shall also be called a no-ball. There are several other reasons for a no ball and each will be followed by a free hit.
14. WIDE BALLS: In addition to the normal calling of wide balls beyond the batsman’s reach on the off side, any delivery that goes down the leg side, untouched by the batsman’s bat or person, shall be called a wide. A ball passing between the batsman and the leg stump shall not be called a wide.
15. BOWLER QUOTA: No bowler can bowl any more than 1/5th of the innings quota of overs. 4 overs out of 20. Umpires will decide what’s fair if weather shortens innings.
16. TIED FINAL: In the event of a tie in a SF or GF, the game will be decided by a Super Over. Each side can use 3 batters to face one over and the highest total wins. You are deemed to be all out if you lose 2 wickets. If the match is still a tie after the Super Over a Bowl Off will decide the winner. Each team will use their match ball for each Super Over and Bowl Off.
17. TIED OTHER MATCH: Minor Round matches that end in a tie will be decided by a bowl off.
18. UNDECIDED MATCHES: In Minor Round matches unless Captains and Secretary agree to reschedule matches teams will take 1 point each. Knockout and finals matches will be rescheduled by the Executive. If that proves impossible unless the Executive determine a fair way to rank teams (Net Run Rate) the team to progress will be chosen at random.
19. BOWL OFF Each side will nominate 3 bowlers who will alternate with the other side to bowl deliveries from one end at the stumps. After the bowlers have bowled one ball each, the winner will be the side that has put the wicket down more times with fair deliveries. If there is no winner, the bowlers will continue in the same order until a side has more broken wickets from the same opportunities. Removing 1 bail is sufficient to put the wicket down. Each team will use their match ball.
20. STORMS AND HEAT: The Executive may abandon matches in extreme weather conditions and try to re-schedule. Because of the short duration of each match every effort will be made to play matches in difficult circumstances. Sides may use any number of substitute fielders, but only players from the nominated side may bat, bowl, or wicket-keep. Penalty time will not apply. Drinks can be taken at the fall of a wicket, or at the end of an over, but must not delay play.
21. UMPIRES: The Association will try to appoint one umpire for each game. Clubs will be invoiced and must pay promptly. Where no umpire is appointed, each club is responsible for supplying a suitably experienced umpire. The Association will pay two umpires to officiate at the Semis and Grand Final. Umpires receive $70 per match.
22. BOWLING ENDS: Overs will be bowled in blocks of 5 from alternating ends. If time is thought to be more critical or there are other consideration 2 blocks of 10 or all overs from one end may be chosen by the umpire or agreed to by Captains. Batsmen will change ends at the end of each over where the bowling continues from the same end. If there are 2 appointed umpires they will stay at their end for the match for blocks of 5 overs but will do what they consider fair for the umpires and the teams if a block of 10 or all from one end applies.
23. DRESS: Standard cricket attire may be worn. Alternative strips may be worn providing they don’t interfere with the game.
24. HELMETS: All Under 18 players must wear helmets as necessary.
25. RESULTS: The result of the match and complete player scores must be entered on the PlayHQ website within 5 days after the match. Clubs are encouraged to live score and finalise. Captains or their representative must enter a T20 Captain report including comments on conduct of match and an Umpire Assessment by the day after the match at They will need to sign on and be confirmed as Captain or Secretary before logging in to website. Fine for missing scores $20. Fine for late Captain Report $10.
26. THE ANDREW WRIGHT MEDAL: The Executive will award the Andrew Wright Medal to the player in T20 minor round matches that plays at least 3 matches and leads on an algorithm that gives 1/run, 15/wicket, 5/catch, 10/stumping and 10/runout with 5 each if assisted, averaged for the number of games the player plays.

A neat accurate scorebook is essential though it is not always given the attention it deserves until something goes wrong. You cannot claim a win if the scorebook doesn’t show you have and matches have been awarded to oppositions where scorebooks are too untidy to be reliable.
With a complete, neatly filled in scorebook a whole innings can be reconstructed to identify errors.
Space is limited so make sure you have a fine pen or sharp pencil and spares.
Sit next to the other scorer and compare books frequently.
Every delivery is recorded against the bowler (except balls called dead before they reach the batsman.)
Runs need to be awarded to the batsman and the bowler and added to the tally. Use a continuous line for 2s, 3s, 4s etc so the order and number of these scores can be checked later if necessary.
The main problem with recording runs is a lapse of concentration. If you are going to be responsible for scoring work hard at it and talk through everything with the other scorer.
Sundries and wickets cause most difficulties and many scorers have developed different symbols. It is most important that one system is used throughout an innings and notes may be entered in the margin to help.

Our suggestions are:- W for wide, X for wicket, O for No Ball, B for Bye, L for Leg Bye. R for Run-out.

Number in BYES
Continuous line in tally.
B to bowler. Counts as nothing

Leg Byes
Number in LEG BYES
Continuous line in tally.
L to bowler. Counts as nothing.

Wide - batsmen don’t run.
1 in WIDES
Cross off next number in tally.
W to bowler; counts as one run.

Wide - batsmen complete runs.
Number in WIDES for completed runs plus one.
Continuous line in tally for runs completed plus one.
W to bowler with a number above or beside for runs completed; counts as number plus 1 for the W.

Wide - Striker stumped
1 in WIDES
Cross off next number in tally.
WX to bowler. Counts as one run.

No Ball batsmen don’t run.
Cross off next number in tally.
O to bowler; counts as one run.

No Ball batsmen run byes.
1 in NO BALLS, completed runs in BYES
Continuous line in tally for completed runs plus one.
O to bowler; counts as one run.

No Ball striker hits ball and batsmen complete runs.
Runs completed awarded to batsman.
Continuous line in tally for completed runs plus one.
O to bowler with number of runs completed inside; counts as runs completed plus one run for O.

X to bowler.

If a batsman is run out on a wide enter WR or WX. Run out on a no ball enter OR or OX with a number inside the circle of runs off the bat completed before the runout. Then close the runout batsman’s innings. The wicket is not credited to the bowler.
Once there are wides and no balls, more than 6 deliveries need to be marked in the box for an over. Try to allow for this possibility as you start each over. If it becomes too much for one box, overflow into the next box and remember to account for it when finalising the innings and counting the bowler’s overs and maidens.
Tally the runs for the bowler at the end of the over and put the total in the box. Use M if no runs off the bat, wides or No balls. Put wickets and score from tally e.g. 3/87 in overs box at left of page.

bottom of page